πŸ“ΆSetup Masternode

This guide provides a complete step by step procedure for setting up and maintaining a masternode on HootChain. This process requires some technical knowledge, so proceed with caution if you're new to Linux and blockchain technology.

Before You Start:

  • Understanding: This guide focuses on creating a single masternode on the main HootChain network. Upgrading an existing masternode follows a different process (refer to the update masternode section).

  • Requirements:

    • 3000 HOOT collateral (locked while the masternode is running)

    • A secure wallet to store your HOOT (hardware wallet recommended)

    • A Linux server (preferably a Virtual Private Server)

    • Use Notepad or a text editor to store your created addresses and other needed information.



1x 1GHZ





1 GB


2 GB



8 GB


16 GB

1. Collateral

  • Open QT wallet and Go to Tools -> Debug console and generate a new address with getnewaddress command.

  • Transfer 3000 HOOT to the generated address (collateral address).

2. Fee Address

To register your masternode, you'll need a separate fee address to cover transaction costs. This address holds funds from your main wallet and remains accessible for you to spend whenever needed.

  • Use same command getnewaddress to generate a fee address.

  • Navigate back to the main wallet screen and select the 'Send' tab.

  • In the "Send" section of your wallet, paste the fee address.

  • Enter 1 HOOT as the amount and click the "Send" button.

  • A confirmation window will appear with a 5-second countdown. Once the countdown finishes, click "Yes" to confirm the transaction

3. Masternode Outputs

The 3000 HOOT transaction to the collateral address requires 4 confirmations before you can proceed to this section.

  • Go back to the console of your wallet.

  • Identify the transaction with the RPC command masternode outputs it should return output like the one shown below.

{ "6547258dc979fc0647bd1489808ba0fef96282bf24eb199234cb0c329c8d41": "1" }

4. BLS Key Pair

  • Run the following RPC command in the console to generate a BLS key pair: bls generate it should return output like the one shown below.

{ "secret": "5120ef8b654b7b7a459e19cc3ef3f845ba891404853fa317f348635b347e12ef", "public": "098254992464a87643d228e69554fda8f5feb52e9605b9cef2fe73eb3a063f12c8f03a6fa4f07e26a1e9e9875e1c5c91" }

5. Address for Owner, Voting and Rewards

  • Open QT wallet and Go to Tools -> Debug console and three new address with getnewaddress command.

  • 1st address for the owner of the masternode.

  • 2nd address will be used for proposal voting.

  • 3rd address will be used to receive the masternode reward.

6. Register the ProRegTx

Make sure your wallet in unlocked before executing this command, You can use command given below, 600 is time in seconds you want to keep wallet unlocked.

walletphrase "your_walletphrase" 600 

This is the part where you need to do some manual work.

protx register TxID from β€œmasternode outputs” Single digit from β€œmasternode outputs” IPv4 address of your VPS with PORT Address of masternode owner β€œpublic” value β€œbls generate” Address for proposal voting Address to receive masternode rewards Fee Address

Modify the following command by replacing the placeholders with your actual values, then paste it into the console.

protx register 618599438df959fc0647ad1895808ba0fef96282bf24eb177134cb0c329c8d41 1 h6ZhT7SR1BQSUYrab3isCGEmJGwndSxGod 050564992464a87643d273e87334fda1e8beb52e9605b9cef2fe73eb3a063f12c8f03a6fa4f07e26a1e9e5175e155c91 h5HXmW9iYzZq89LdH8eUXEzSwwwEaQ3XKS 0 hLvahoF6T7b8NY5wACtDoS9NzWPjRhNKuL hHu7BFFtfsU3FgfUX1y5JnAQNVZ28348UK

This will return tx output like this: 724b0ab086c759fc7bc664a149a7ba6b82dacd47e69799720eb3e591e096cb6c

You can use the tool on our website to generate protx register and config file required in VPS: https://hootchain.org/masternode-tools

We've successfully completed the wallet setup and obtained the necessary outputs. Now, let's transition to configuring the VPS for further progress.

7. Server Setup

  • Rent a VPS with required resources and Ubuntu Server 20.04 or 22.04.

  • To connect to your VPS remotely, you'll need a Secure Shell (SSH) client like PuTTY.

8. Update your Ubuntu server

To ensure your Ubuntu server has the latest security patches and features, run the following command in your terminal:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Type the following command to go back to home directory.

cd $HOME

9. Get Daemon and Wallet

Download the Linux daemon for your HootChain wallet with the following command:

wget "https://github.com/user-attachments/files/16398864/HootChainDaemonv1.1_ubuntu_20.tar.gz" -O HootChainDaemonv1.1_ubuntu_20.tar.gz

Extract the downloaded tar file with the following command:

tar -xzvf HootChainDaemonv1.1_ubuntu_20.tar.gz

Type the following command to install the daemon and tools for your wallet:

sudo mv hootd hoot-cli /usr/local/bin

10. Create Directory

You will need a data directory which you can do with the command:

mkdir $HOME/.hootcore

11. Setup the Config File.

Open nano with the following command:

nano $HOME/.hootcore/hoot.conf -t

You will need external IPv4 address of your VPS and secreate value from output of β€œbls generate”

rpcuser=username (Choose secure username)
rpcpassword=password (Choose secure password)
masternode=1 masternodeblsprivkey=5120af1f913b8a4b459e19cc3ef3f865ba891404853fa317f348635b347e12ef

Save the file with the keyboard shortcut ctrl + x.

12. Start the Masternode

The final step! To activate your masternode, run the following command:


You can use hoot-cli masternode status command to confirm the status of your masternode.

Last updated